Institution Building (CBOs/SHG/FPO/Clubs)


CBO formation and strengthening 

Formation of CBO (Community-Based Organizations), wherever such need is identified. Village Welfare Committee, Committee on Education, Water Committee, and the like are formed and strengthened through Capacity Building Training. Currently PRO RURAL is working with 35 CBOs directly formed and trained

SHG Formation and Training:

SHGs (Self Help Groups) are promoted in every intervention Villages and their capacity training are organized from time to time. SHGs are encouraged toward Savings, Thrift, Credit, and Income Generating Activities. At present PRO RURAL is facilitating 56 SHGs.


 FPO (Farmer Producer Organization) is being promoted by PRO Rural and two such FPCs are getting registered to focus on agribusiness value chains after forming high-value commodity clusters.

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